Passion Project(s)

Often when I am making dinner (and probably participating in #engchat or #edchat or writing an AprilBlogaDay post at the same time), there are several pots/pans going at once and the preparation may even include outside trips to the grill. Usually I can pull it off with hardly a scathed tater tot but the timing of each item's completion isn't always perfect. I get the same busy feeling about my many "passion projects" that I am working on at any given time. 

Here are just a few that I have been mulling over recently:
  • Creating a "template" for getting some course lessons online for students. The trick has been to find a platform, put together the content (media and text), and include enough interactivity to help learning happen. 
  • Create a study app to help students with focused practice on the base content they need to learn to be successful. I'm not a firm believer in the "If they can Google it, they don't need to learn it" movement. There are so many things that are foundational to knowing in any field or subject.
  • Incorporating what I am learning outside of the classroom into my classroom to see if it is effective. This is and has been a constant for quite some time.
  • The biggie right now is learning to write these AprilBlogaDay "15 minute reflections" in somewhere close to 15 minutes instead of much more.


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