
Showing posts from March, 2013

txting julius casear: bewr the ides of mrch

This week I'll try... actually write a blog post. give each student, everyday, a chance to show his mad Shakespeare interpretation skills.  Two weeks ago, I signed up for a group text messaging service ( and set up two of my courses. Students joined a "cell" for the class and it allows me to send group text messages (without my knowing the students' phone numbers), receive responses from students that are only seen by me, and share selected student responses with everyone. I sent an MFTB (Men from the Boys) question the first weekend, where students had to interpret a few lines from Julius Casear , to try it out and I heard from many students (mostly "boy" responses, for now).  This week I'll try something similar everyday, from the night's reading, giving them several short (1-3 lines) passages to choose from. (This is an idea that was sparked by Joy Kirr's recent blog post -