If April showers bring May flowers, what do April bloggers bring?

The response is definitely not "No comment" and also more blogging.

Several of those who have been participating in the April blog a day challenge (#AprilBlogaDay) put together by Chris Crouch (@the_explicator) got together for a Twitter chat this morning. As I stated near the end of the hour, I don't know if I have been a part of a more productive chat. It was part reflection and part brainstorming, but then also led to a planned future activity that is often missing from professional development.

The group decided to continue blogging (in various degrees of frequency) in the month of May.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! (read in your best ginsu knife commercial voice)

Some have chosen to comment on one blog post a day and post a link to the blog. It should be a great way to share what you are reading to a wider audience and give some needed feedback to many education bloggers.

The hashtag in May becomes more universal - #edBlogaDay. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow from this amazing group of people.

To join the Google+ Community and/or sign up on this Google Form.


  1. This morning was awesome! I am looking forward to continuing our journey into May - and hopefully beyond. Sharing and commenting will be so valuable!


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