Trydeas or TrIdeas? Turns out it doesn't matter
You can't plow a field by turning it over in your mind. - Irish Proverb
The ideas and inspirations about education and teaching that I get from my continual contact with colleagues, through social media, and reading articles and blogs are written down on scraps of paper, in various notebooks, and into my phone or tablet. Maybe later, at some point, I re-read them and may even recopy them to Evernote for organization purposes (under what I thought was a catchy and creative file name, "TrIdeas") but then the fruit often dies on the vine.
As Yoda said those many years ago in a galaxy far, far away, "Do, or do not. There is no try" and Seth points out in his blog, getting it is only the first step in the process. Doing it must follow.
The only way the ideas can be transforming is if they are acted upon. This is often difficult because of the lag time between concept and action. Conferences, professional development, and even edchat conversations happen outside of the classroom and the ideas generated can not go directly to practice.
Summer needs to be the time to better prepare those "TrIdeas" (or Trydeas?) so they can be put into practice come September. After all, having a fancy-smancy name for the idea list has just as much influence on yielding a fruitful harvest as the name of the plow horse.
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