When is not a blog a blog?

I like to play golf but do not do it very often, therefore I am not very good. But that's okay because I have no aspirations for the PGA and it gives my golf outings a sense of adventure beyond the course itself (woods walks searching for wayward golf balls and/or clubs that have "slipped" from my grasp, etc). All of this allows me a more casual approach to my scoring, i.e. a lost ball does not mean a penalty to me because I believe the lost ball is penalty enough. It helps keep the experience less stressful.

It's time to take the same stress-free approach to my blog. 

My number of posts are very infrequent, similar to my rounds of golf, but I would like to change that. They are not as frequent as I would like for many reasons, but one of those is the time I have been spending putting together tutorials, lessons, and web pages for the faculty at my school. To remedy the stress of blogging, or lack thereof, I decided to use the "lost ball" approach and stretch the rules a bit because I am in no way destined for the PGA of blogging. It involves taking a 21st century take on texts and count all of these web pages as a type of blog entry. After all, they do convey information and personal opinion. In addition, if a blog should contain insight and you are looking for it here, an argument could be (and probably is) made that my blogs don't seem to contain much of that anyway. Therefore, it is easy for me to count the lost time as penalty enough from my blog writing and I will count these as entries - they are just in a 21st century form.


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