Do your ideas stay just that?

This video from Langara College, "Rethink Scholarship," is a very creative look at continuing motivation of ideas. While conferences such as educon and discussions like edchat inspire me, it may take a short video like this to turn that spark into a fire.

This is the main reason I decided to act and begin writing much more frequently to this blog. It is a chance for me to put down my ideas and let them sit for a while. If others happen to read them (and I won't leave it totally to chance as I will push these posts to those I have connected with on Twitter) I hope they may leave their own comments and impressions. None of us can truly learn without others and the feedback is always welcome. Heck, I'll just take the non-feedback to mean that the ideas must be so far ahead of their time that others need a chance to catch up. :) Or that they are really, really lame. In any case, I'll take it. Something's better than nothing to get the ideas in motion.

I find that there are many sparks daily through suggestions and comments from my PLN but they all can't be acted on immediately. Having said that, I do need to begin working exclusively with those ideas that are most important to me and my students and focus.

Focus. Focus.

And believe.

And sometimes, even sleep.


  1. Sweet video, Tom! Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me that we need to focus on ideas and depth first, rather than just cool new tools that have the wow factor. Co-construction isn't always thoughtful or truly collaborative and this was certainly thoughtful and I'm assuming it was a collaborative effort.
    And now I'm sleeping too! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing the video - I hadn't yet seen it.

  3. Brenda,
    I agree that this was a thoughtful and collaborative effort. It certainly makes sense to use the tools that are appropriate for the concept as opposed to the reverse. I am also glad you are catching up on your sleep. You never know when that next idea hits and you need to act upon it until completion!
    Thanks for taking the time to comment. I too always enjoy a chance to see something new and interesting.


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