Interactive Lectures #1

I came across a site for presenters entitled Interactive Lectures that contains summaries of 36 formats for making a presentation interactive. Certainly my job as a teacher is part presenter and I found many ideas to work with in my own classroom. I decided to put my notes here as I examine some of these formats and how I may use them. Please use the comment section to add your ideas and allow this to grow.

Format #1: Best Summary
Each participant prepares a summary of the main points at the end of a presentation. Teams of participants switch their summaries and select the best summary from each set.

This reminds me of an "Exit Slip," which is a good way to check student understanding before they leave the room. The summary could be done in many formats (and may even be done several times during a class session).

- working in groups or individually, put summary on index card. If in groups, have them read each out loud. If individuals, collect and read a few out loud.

- technology options could involve students sending their answer via text message to polleverywhere, a class backchannel or put their response directly on the class site. (can also be done using the initial low tech method.)

This is a great way to gage understanding of every student and can be done in a variety of ways. While reviewing the main points often happens during class time, this is one way to get feedback from everyone and gives voice to even the quietest of students.

I can't help but think there is much more learning to be done with the responses once they have been collected:
- Does using a backchannel or putting them on the class website (a wiki) have any merit?
- Sure, students can review what they and others have summarized, but will they?
- What is the lure to get them to visit the ideas again and again?
- Is having them put the ideas in a different form (xtranormal is my personal favorite) on the site meaningful?

I am often left with these types of questions and proceed anyway, letting the student reaction be my answer.


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