What I Learned - Part 2
There were several specific things I learned in relation to my media project this month. My intention was to find out as much as I could about displaying videos and video segments on a web page and add some sort of interactivity. Some of the things I learned:
- embed video (from another site) in a blog or other website
- embed a portion of a video (from another site) using begin and end points
- using a program called embedr, I can set up a display list of videos segments
- a website on Wetpaint is easy to set up, looks nice, and incorporates video nicely
- Wetpaint only incorporates video from YouTube, Google video, and Hulu, which rules out my hopes to use embedr!
- Animoto may be a good presentation tool for parts of my project, keeping things interesting and varied.
- taking a clip from a DVD and incorporating it directly into a web page
While these are some of the specifics, I did get a much better overall sense of what I want this media project to be. Through my experiments and exploration, I have ideas that will be usable in the project and any other media related projects the future holds.
Excellent job, great summary, great video (part 1). Perfect!