Caution - Wetpaint (Wk 4 #5 EDM613)

One of the programs suggested to me for development of my media project was Wetpaint ( It is a wiki that has more functionality and design options than pbworks, which has been the wiki of choice for my classes. The reason Wetpaint was mentioned is my need to incorporate video and it did not disappoint. It is easy to update text and add video, as long as the video links are to YouTube, Hulu, or Google video. I typically use Safari but Wetpaint works better with Firefox, allowing more functionality.

The "practice" project I am developing using Wetpaint is actually a real site for the faculty at my school. I have started a summer technology institute for faculty and hope to create a page that corresponds to each of the sessions. My hope is create an organized, easy to use, and non-overwhelming site for faculty to reference. I have found that many of those teachers not using these technologies need a gentle nudge as to WHY, WHAT, and then HOW. I want the site to answer all of these questions.

The organization of the site is important to its usefulness. Many of the "veteran" teachers (myself included in age!) still crave the linear learning method and I want this to be possible. At times I have been feeling overwhelmed with the number of tools and sites that are available and I know this may keep some people from delving in. A simple, modular approach giving a brief description and a few links and videos is what I am going for. As opposed to a final destination, I would like it to be the jumping off point (should have called the site the Admiral Benbow) for their foray into Web 2.0.

Although it is it in its early stages, I would appreciate any input. SocraTech Dialogue website.


  1. You'll be using wetpaint in your next course, LMS, for month ten...


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